Monday, July 02, 2007


Summer is flying by. Of course our hustle and bustle of life keeps it flying. Here is a little peek at my schedule.

Friday night 6/22-- Back to the houseboat only this time it was me and my two friends, my husband, friend's fiance, her kid, my two kids and my friends kid and friend. Lots of fun and food!!

Saturday 6/23--On houseboat all day. Cary, Nicky, and Bud take the kiddos tubing. The kids had a blast. Now Cary wants a boat. We rush home around 5 that afternoon and shower and change and attend friend's wedding shower. After picking up kids we are back home at 10:30.

Sunday 6/24--Can't recall what we did other than church and Life Group and of course lay by the pool.

Monday6/25--I attended my 1st PM Convention in Nashville.

Tuesday 6/26--PM Convention again. Shopping in Mt. Juliet. Bonita's Lingerie shower. Left home at 6:00 AM returned home at 10:00 PM. Cary left for Grand Rapids.

Weds 6/27-- PM Convention from 8-4. Rush home change clothes grab kids and back to Lebanon for church. Madison stays at friends house and drop Grant off at Pa's. Return back home to empty house around 9 PM.

Thurs 6/28 --Last day of Convention. Drove 1 hour to Nashville for 15 minute meeting. I'm not complaining because I got the rest of the day off paid!!! Since we finished the meeting within 15 mins. I went with another PM to Loveless Cafe. I have always wanted to eat there so this was the perfect opportunity plus he offered to buy!! Great food!!! Rush home to pick up Grant at Pa's and then home to change into swimsuits and off again to Lebanon where I met up with Amy & girls(including Madison), and Andrea & boys. We had a great afternoon of chit chat at Jimmy Floyd. Since we have a pool this was Grant's 1st time in a public pool. Rush home and nap a little, eat a little, and clean a little. Cary returned home from Grand Rapids.

Fri 6/29--Back to work with lots of catching up to do, since I've been playing for the last 4 days. Busy, busy day. Cary had to go to Oak Ridge so he picked up dinner on his way home. Lazy night just hanging around the house doing lots of nothing.

Sat 6/30--Lounge by the pool all day long with Cary and the kids. Cary took Grant to buy fireworks. Mom & Dad came over Sat night and we swam and shot fireworks.

Sun 7/1--We did our usual breakfast before church and then after church two of Madison's friends came home with her. They enjoyed the afternoon swimming and playing. Back to church at 4 for a seminar and then a quick trip to Wal-Mart. We dropped the kids off at Pa's for relaxing kid free night!!!

Mon 7/2--Back to work and finally getting caught up--just in time to take off Weds, Thurs, & Fri!!

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