Thursday, June 21, 2007

Funny Things

The other night Cary and I along with Madison was watching TV. As Cary flipped through the channels he came across a show about cannibalism. He looked at me and said, "Could you eat Madison if you were starving and she was dead?" My response was, "NO WAY!!" ( I can't even choke a salad or shrimp down!) So I asked him could he? His response was "NO WAY!!" At that moment Madison looked at both of us and said, " I would eat yall!!!"
Sunday Grant was being a little trying with us. And as trying I mean getting on my LAST NERVE! I told him and Madison that I couldn't wait till I was 80 and they would have to take care of me. I told them I was going to repay them for all the times they get on my nerves. And whoever acted the worse I was going to live with them. Later in the day I noticed Madison was being extremely polite and using her manners, so I commented on how good she was being. Her response was, "Well, I don't want you living with me when your 80!!"

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

Your conversations crack me up! Yes, Claire would fit right in with your crew. :)

Looks like y'all had a blast at the lake! Kim told me about it, and she had a great time too.