Monday, April 16, 2007

OH NO!!!

Yesterday I was doing my final preparations for our trip this week to Los Cabos. Cary signed onto the Delta website to see our seat assignments. We picked our seats for the first part of the trip from Nashville to Atlanta but when we got to the Atlanta to Los Cabos it was showing NO seats available. Cary panicked. I tried to rationalize with him that hopefully that wasn't correct and to get on the phone to Delta. All kinds of what ifs ran through my head but I tried not to get overly concerned. So after being on hold for 30 minutes....... but what seemed like forever we finally got our seat assignments. In one more day we will be in Los Cabos.
We went to the movies this weekend and saw Meet the Robinson's. The little boy reminded me of Grant(always taking things apart and figuring out how it works; can we say engineer???) and there was also a girl that reminded me of Madison (bossy with eyebrows scrunched just like Madison does when she is mad!). It was a pretty good little movie with a great lesson. And of course the 3 large buckets of buttered popcorn were exceptionally good!! Grant loves to go to the movies but I think it's just for the popcorn. Honestly he can eat a whole bucket by himself and so can I. Madison and Cary can usually finish one. Thankfully they have free refills and we don't go to the movies that often!!!
After the movies we headed to the store to buy a scale. Cary has been dieting so I wanted him to see his progress daily. I have to admit I have an obsession about the scales. I love to weigh. So as soon as we got home I hopped on and 30 minutes later hopped on again. Each time the # went down (could be from taking off an article of clothing each time) and that was after a lg tub of buttered popcorn (good genes I guess!!!) I again done this all day long Sunday until Cary told me he thought I was too obsessed about my weight. It's not the weight it's the #. I told him I don't think an obsessed person would be eating a LG tub of extra-buttered popcorn!!!
I made our reservations for Walt Disney World yesterday too. 7 days and 6 nights with theme park tickets for 6 days and Disney Dining Plan (1 Table service meal, 1 Counter service meal, and 1 snack per person). I am almost as excited about this trip as I am about Los Cabos.

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

Kelli, we missed you this weekend!!

I hope you had a wonderful time - talk to ya soon.