Finally I got my pictures to download(with the help of Cary). This was probably the best vacation we've been on. The only thing we would change would be the # of days. There was so much to do and not enough time. We went on 2 excursions. We don't usually do excursions but we decided we would this time. I was so glad we did. We had a blast. One day we took a glass bottom boat to the arch. I had seen the arch on the website and couldn't wait to see it in person and get pictures. We hadn't been on the boat 5 minutes when a wave covered us and my camera! I couldn't get my camera to come on(and probably the reason I can't download pictures from it now!). I panicked, but luckily 1 minute before we got to the arch it came back on!! Next time we are going to go back to the arch and snorkel.

The next day we did an ATV tour. We rode a shuttle forever back into the desert. Once we got our
ATV's we were off exploring the desert and a secluded beach. It was absolutely gorgeous. I was sore for 3 days after riding the
ATV's. In some places it was so rocky I would literally bounce all over the place.
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