It's been so long since I've blogged I almost forgot how to sign on. The last part of 2006 became such a whirlwind I just didn't find time to blog. 2006 was a very busy time for our family. We spent lots of time traveling. Some of the places I ventured to this year were Gatlinburg, TN, Chicago, Texas, South Carolina, Jackson, TN. I can't even remember all the places Cary has been to. Although his most recent trip was to China. My job seemed to get a little more demanding at the last of the year. For the past month my job has been less demanding but I feel that will be changing soon.
As you can see from the picture I also got the bright idea to remodel our house in October. This was the biggest remodel project that we have ever done. Before this I thought I would love to flip houses for a living. Now I'm not so sure. We tore up existing hardwood floors and put down new hardwood throughout the whole house. Then we had stone installed in the kitchen and sunroom. I also got new countertops, backsplash, stove, and sink. And all this remodel started over our Master Bath. Guess what?? We didn't even do the Master Bath. That project will happen hopefully sometime this year. But I totally love everything we did to the house. I will have to find the before pictures and post them, so stay tuned.
Grant lost 2 teeth in December. And I caught him last night wiggling another one. I told him to stop, the Tooth Fairy is broke. Madison was in the 3rd grade before she lost her 1st tooth so he is definitely ahead of her on that. School is still going great for both of them. Madison continues to be on the honor roll and Grant has + on everything except patience. He gets that from me I'm afraid. I have zero patience and the kids are somehow picking up that trait also.
Madison has somehow got hooked on Paula Dean, and I have to admit I enjoy watching her shows too. Madison loves to cook, so I let her make a B-day cake for Barbara. Barbara and I have been friends since our sophomore year in High School. Barbara and her family spent the weekend after x-mas with us and we had a great time catching up. Grant's favorite thing to do is to get into the hall closet with his DVD player and watch movies. I have no idea why he loves this small space but it keeps him entertained.
We finished up 2006 with a great party with lots of friends.
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