These two precious God loving kids test my patience?? I think that is why God has blessed me with these two kids. So that my patience will develop. Yesterday was one of those days that I was yet again tested. The kids are at the age where they are either playing peacefully together or trying to kill each other. There is usually no inbetween. Cary left Sunday for another business trip and before leaving talked with both kids about their behavior. And that worked for about 1/2 the day Sunday. Madison is trying extra hard because both kids were promised a surprise when Daddy returns if they have been good. Grant doesn't seem to remember or he's not mature enough to control his emotions. So yesterday when picking them up, Madison told me to call Shane when I got home. Shane, my brother, picks them up from school and drops them off at my Dad's. Somehow on this 10 min. drive Grant lost control and hit Madison. I asked Shane if Madison was provoking him by teasing him about a girl in his class. He said No. So Grant got punished when we got home. No TV and no Cokes for the night. This may not sound like punishment but to Grant it was everything. He literally cried for 2 hours and packed his clothes to leave. He also brought me the phone to call Pa so he could come and get him. OK .....like I'm going to call Pa to get him out of punishment. I took him with me to workout and made him sit in a chair for the entire hour. Of course he cried the whole hour but he sat there.
I didn't lose my patience with him once and he eventually got over being mad at me. I asked both of them this morning if they needed to be reminded on how to act and both assured me they didn't. We'll see how it goes this afternoon:)
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