Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm loosing my mind!!

Let me explain. Yesterday I had a "little" swimming party with some friends from church. It was a last minute kind of thing. But there was 19 people at my house, 15 kids & 4 adults. I had taken the day off work to register the kids for school. And since I haven't taken off all summer to just be at home & invite friends over to swim, I decided yesterday would be perfect. It did rain on our party so we all ended up inside for about 45 mins. But other than that we had a great time ( or at least I did).

Now here comes the part about me loosing my mind. When every body was leaving and gathering their stuff I noticed 4 "very nice" looking towels laying in the middle of the floor. I tried my best to find who they belonged to because I KNEW they weren't mine. My towels are not that nice. They looked familiar even though I KNEW they weren't mine. They would even match my decor I thought. Nobody claimed them so we just assumed they were Amy's since she had already left. So Andrea graciously said she would take them to her.

So....Last night when I'm trying to go to sleep at 11:00P.M. What pops into my head??? Those are my towels. I went downstairs where I knew there were some towels on a bakers rack thingy and sure enough my towels were gone. Well now I couldn't go to sleep. I thought Andrea is going to think I'm crazy because I assured her they were not my towels.

Well long story short Andrea & I had a great laugh about it this morning. She said she called Amy on the way home to let her know she had her towels & Amy said they weren't hers. So they thought they were the neighbors. I should have let them think that and never told them any different. If I ever get robbed it would take me days to figure out what was missing and chances are I might not even miss it!!!!!


Amy S. Grant said...

That is hilarious!! I told Andrea on the phone those were your towels. Now how did I know that and you didn't? :-)

Amy S. Grant said...

...yeah, we know you just really wanted her to launder them for you.