Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Grant's bunny is gone..

First let me explain how we got the bunny. A couple of weeks ago my niece called & wanted to know if we wanted a bunny. A friend of a friend had one to give away. I immediately said "NO". She kept calling & begging me to take this bunny. It had it's own cage & everything. After thinking about how much joy it would bring Madison, and the fact that it was free, I agreed to take it. So the bunny was suppose to be delivered Sunday. Sunday came & went & no bunny. So then they were going to bring it Monday. Monday same thing. Finally the friend of a friend let my niece know that she couldn't part with the bunny. It could have been because I made it perfectly clear that no way no how the bunny wasn't coming inside the house. I didn't care if it was 10 below outside the bunny would just have to take care of itself.

So end of story, right?? No--Madison had her heart set on a bunny. So she spends every waking hour on the internet searching & reading about bunnies. Before I could even get to work she was calling me to tell me about a bunny she found. Only the bunnies she found were like $175. I told her I almost didn't take the free bunny, no way was I going to pay $175 for one. This lasted a couple of days, and by this time I was so sick of hearing about bunnies. I told her if she had to talk about bunnies to save it until she was with my Dad and tell him about them. She said he told her he was tired of hearing about it too!!

Well of course my Dad can't stand for her to want for anything(that is within reason), so he gets my Mom to find her a bunny. Someone my Mom works with has bunnies and they are $5 so my Dad gets 2 of them and brings them to my house a little over a week ago. Since Cary is out of town and can't build a cage all we have to keep the bunnies in is a large pet carrier inside a dog pen. At first we only let the rabbits out when Madison was with them. Then little by little we left them out longer. Well Sunday night Madison forgot to put them up. I told her it should be OK since they have been fine. Plus I hate to know they are in that pet carrier all day long.

So yesterday when Madison comes home, she comes running to the house and says that Grant's bunny is gone. Our first thought was it got out of the pen & the dogs(that have sat by the pen non-stop just waiting) got it. But we didn't see any fur or remains. My Mom thought a hawk got it. Last night as the kids were swimming & playing outside Madison went up to the pen and what did she see?? The rabbit. She tried to catch it but it just ran from her. It ran into some heavy grown up weeds and brush. Cary tried to find it but couldn't. We left the gate open to the pen hoping it would go back in there at night time. At 10:00 Cary & I went back out with the flashlight looking for it, but didn't find it. When I told my Mom this story she said just go into the brush & get it. I told her I wasn't getting snake bit for a $5 rabbit.

This morning still no rabbit. But when Cary was leaving for work he saw it. He said he took off running after it, I hope the neighbors didn't see him!!! But again it ran into the brush(that looks like snake heaven). So tonight I guess we'll have to keep watch for the hiding rabbit and hopefully my dogs haven't got a hold of it today.

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