Tuesday, June 20, 2006

If Momma Ain't Happy........

Then nobody will be happy. This happened in our house last night. I came home last night with an extra kid(Haley) and I should have known it would be chaos. When it's just my kids it's pretty peaceful around our house. But if you add just one more child regardless of who it is; it turns to chaos. I had kids running, screaming, slamming doors, kicking, crying, you name it & they were doing it. I decided not to cook and grab a pizza since we were suppose to go to Cary's Mom & Dad's. Cary was busy working on moving a pile of dirt that he has been working on since Saturday.

Cary came in about 6:30 and decides we would just go to his Mom & Dad's tomorrow night. I really didn't care one way or the other but now I had to find something to cook. I don't really enjoy cooking and look for every opportunity to get out of it. I decided to grill hamburgers & make homemade french fries(since I didn't have any frozen ones). Well guess what my kids wouldn't touch the homemade fries because they still had the peeling on them.

Grant started whining when he found out we were having hamburgers. When he says he wants a hamburger he really means he wants a bun with cheese & ketchup (and yes we have ordered that at McDonalds before!). Well I told him he was eating the hamburger with meat. So while I was grilling I flipped one of the hamburgers off the grill onto the concrete. I really thought about putting it back on the grill and marking it so I wouldn't get it, but I saw dog hair on it and decided to let the dogs have it. Grant got his wish. No meat on his bun.

Haley went home around 8:00 and soon after I heard Madison & Grant arguing again. SO....off to bed they go. Grant was crying that it was still morning and too early to go to bed. He cried for at least 30 minutes. My nerves were about shot.

So Cary finally comes in and I unloaded on him. I told him not to take it personally because I'm sure it's just PMS. But I needed some more help around the house. He felt awful and then I felt awful. He promised to do better & I know he will. I know I expect things to be perfect and when it's not I come unglued. I'm going to try harder to work on letting the small stuff go.

Today I feel much better and in control again...


John Grant said...

Glad you're back under control!

After reading Cary's blog & now yours, that must have been quite a conversation last night!

You should have posted photos of the dead bird & heart-shaped shrimp!

Would you come mow my yard?

KELLI said...

I am out of the lawn mowing business. I blew up the lawn mower so hopefully I won't be asked to mow again!!!

I'm still working on getting pictures posted. I'm not that slow, our computer at home just isn't cooperating!!

Amy S. Grant said...

I'm just now reading this one, wish I'd read it before Wednesday night!

Glad you're doing better. Control is a nice thing. A little elusive, maybe, but nice. :-)