Madison busted through the door last night and with pure joy shouted, "I caught a rabbit!!!" This was not her first attempt. A couple of weeks ago Cary & I were sitting outside and all of a sudden we saw Madison running in the front yard. I mean she went by like the Tazmanian Devil. I looked at Cary & said "What is she doing?" Come to find out she was chasing a rabbit. Last year Cary caught 2 baby rabbits. Madison was tickled to death. Even though I didn't want her to keep them I couldn't bear to make her get rid of them. I think they lasted about a week. I was told "wild" rabbits just won't survive. And I learned a valuable lesson. They stink, so no rabbits in my house!!

Madison is an animal lover. It doesn't matter what it is she loves it. She has asked for every animal you could think of. I am not an animal lover. Actually dogs & horses are about all I care for. I kinda dread the day she gets her own house. I'm afraid she might be known as the "dog lady", "cat lady", "hamster lady" etc... She even tells me she will have every animal she can think of in her house. Hopefully she will marry someone who doesn't like cats & hamsters so I can at least visit her!!

Back to the rabbit last night. She didn't actually catch it she saved it from the dogs. The dogs had it in their mouth and she rescued it. When I went outside it was just laying there. It would move a little but not anything like it should have been. I told her the dogs have hurt it way too bad and it probably wouldn't make it. She checked it over and said she couldn't feel any broken bones and it wasn't bleeding it was just lifeless. After a couple of minutes I told her I thought it had died. She said it just needed some air. I told her to give it mouth to mouth (I wouldn't have let her, I was just going to see if she would do it). She did pick it up and blow in its face thinking that would help, but it didn't.

She wanted to bury it so I told Cary to get his shovel. His response was let the dogs have it. Madison & Grant were mortified. So he got his shovel. Madison picked out a spot under a tree and we buried it and Madison made a cross to put on the grave. Grant just sat beside the grave and cried (He's the sensitive one).
Look out Beach here we come!!!!!!
We're gonna miss you. Have fun!
And how could Cary say to let the dogs have it??
Go try and dig a hole. The ground is hard as a brick!
I just wanted to see the response from the kids.
They have probably dug it up by now anyway and there is probably fur all over the yard.
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