Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Anyone need a hairstylist??

There is a new and upcoming hairstylist that I have discovered. Since she is fairly new and a little underage, her prices are dirt cheap!!

Since I have a son that literally has hair like a chia pet that grows nonstop; I decided that I would try my hand at cutting it(Madison saw how much fun I was having and had to have a piece of the action too!!). The way I looked at it was I could always shave his head and start over.

Not too bad for no experience!!!

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

Kelli! You started bloggin again and didn't tell me.

Love these pics. Good for Madison - she did a great job!

It's funny - Claire has said she would like to go to school to do hair when she grows up. They really have too much in common!