Monday, March 05, 2007

Weekend Happenings...

We spent a fun-family-filled weekend at the Adventure Science Museum. We had told the kids that we were taking them "somewhere" Saturday but we would not tell them where. The only hint I would give them was it was going to be an Adventure. Two of Madison's friends spent the weekend with us, so they got to go too!!!

Almost every weekend someone from Madison's class wants to spend the weekend with us. I think Lexi would spend every weekend with us if I would let her. This weekend Lexi & Kaitlyn were the "lucky ones". I've always said that I wanted our house to be the house the kids wanted to hang out at. Not because I love kids that much but because I want to know what my kids are doing and what kind of influence their friends are. So far my plan is working.
When I asked Madison the reason everyone in her class (5-6 girls) always wanted to come home with her she said, " I don't know. They just love my house for some reason." I truly don't believe that Madison knows how blessed she is. I'm not talking about her "material" blessings, but her family blessings. She goes to school with several girls have who lost their mothers to accidents, divorced parents , and some being raised by grandparents. Madison not only is blessed with parents that love her dearly but she is also blessed with Grandparents and Great Grandparents along with aunts and uncles that are very much a part of her daily life.

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

Madison is very blessed to have such great parents! And I love hanging out at your place, too. :)