Friday, September 15, 2006

A potato in a cup......

Grant has been wearing glasses for a little over 2 years now. I have always wondered what he saw when he isn't wearing his glasses because he seems to see fine without them. So last night I was helping him with his homework. He was suppose to look through magazines and find things that started with "h". So I went through magazines and tore out pages that had pictures of things that started with "h" to speed the process along. I let him look at the pages I tore out and let him pick out the picture that needed to be cut. On one page there was a picture of the back of a girls head. It was an ad for hair growth. So it just showed the back of her head from the shoulders up. So I point at the picture and I say "Grant what is that?" He looks at it and his eyes cross slightly because he doesn't have his glasses on (they were still at the trampoline) and he says "A potato in a cup". It cracked me up. Because when you do look at it with slightly crossed eyes it does look like a potato in a cup. He is hilarious but doesn't try to be. It is so funny the things that comes out of his mouth.

Sunday at church the kids were given jars to save money for kids to buy vitamins & medicine with in foreign countries. Which was great since Cary & I had decided that the kids were going to have to start putting a quarter in a jar everytime they talked back or didn't do as they were told. Now their quarter would go for a good cause and hopefully teach a lesson. So last night Grant brings his jar to me and he has money in it. He was so proud of the money in his jar. I told him I was so proud of him for putting money in his jar that would buy vitamins and medicine for sick kids. He immediately said "no, this is my money." I said but "Grant there are sick kids that don't have any money to buy the medicine and vitamins that they need" he quickly replied "send them my medicine but I'm not giving them my money!"

1 comment:

Amy S. Grant said...

It's a painful lesson to learn, isn't it? :)