**Thursday night as I was cleaning Madison's closet, the power went out. Apparently there was a bad storm going on and neither me or the kids even noticed. We went to Mom & Dad's to sit on the porch until it came back on. Then it was a mad rush to get everything done since it was already the kids bath time.
**Friday Cary returned from Wisconsin, but not before having to throw away all of his deodorant, hair gel, cologne and toothpaste. He was in a rush to catch the plane and with the new restrictions he just threw everything away and carried his bag on instead of checking it. He was in such a rush that he paid $80 to the rental car place just for gas, because he wasn't going to have time to fill it up before returning it. AND then he misses his plane. He was put on standby for the next plane. Which delayed him getting home by about 2 hours.
**Saturday was our usual lazy day. Breakfast at Waffle House with both kids. Then off to the store for some groceries. We went by his Mom's & visited with them for a while. Then back home to swim w/h his Mom & our S-I-L and nephews.
**Sunday was Life Group and then we came home for naps. The kids decided they wanted us to play softball with them. So we ended the night with a game.
**Monday--the kids loved softball so much they wanted to play again tonight. So they invited the neighbors over & we had a little game. All was going well until Grant threw the ball and hit Cary right in the eye. Cary never saw it coming. Cary fell to his knees and scared the kids half to death. Madison thought I done it since Grant & I was standing together. She was soooo MAD at me. I hated to throw Grant under the bus but I made sure her & Cary knew that I didn't do it. After we made sure he was alright--Madison & I had a little chuckle. Just replaying it in my head makes me giggle.
**Tuesday Cary finally got around to making the rabbit cage. Never ask an Engineer to make a simple rabbit cage. Something that I thought would take maybe 1 hour at the most took like 6. This rabbit has a top of the line cage that is two stories with a little hutch to get in when it's cold. It's so big I have no idea how Cary is going to get it moved to where it needs to be.
KDG has been going GREAT for Grant. He seems to really love school and I'm so glad!! Last night he had homework and he was so excited that he finally gets to do homework. We'll see how long that last. They are already learning to read some words. And I never realized it until last night that he can't say "the" or "th" he puts a "f" or a "v".
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
For the 1st time I had to enforce the cleaning rule
Yesterday when I picked up the kids, Dad was on the porch and proceeded to tell me Grant had been smart with him. So when Grant got in the car, I calmly told him that when he got home he needed to get a rag and start cleaning baseboards. Madison asked why he had to clean and I told her because he was in trouble for his smart mouth. I asked her had she been smart mouthing too?? She said "No", but Grant said she done it too. I said well Pa didn't tell on her so I am going to assume she didn't.
So we go into the house and I give Grant his wet rag and tell him to start wiping. Madison comes up and says "Can I do that too?". Now usually she loves it when he gets into trouble & she doesn't but not this time. I just wonder if maybe she was a little guilty of the smart mouth too. So I had both kids wiping walls & baseboards.
Then my Dad calls & I told him Grant was cleaning for the way he talked to him. I could tell my Dad didn't want Grant to be in trouble. He said, "Kelli, don't be mean to him." I said, "I'm not being mean, I'm just making him wipe baseboards." You would have thought I was torturing him from my Dad's voice. So then he ask, "Is he mad at me?" I said, "I don't know, do you want to talk to him?" Grant got on the phone and told him politely that yes he was mad because he got him into trouble and then Grant started crying (he is very soft hearted). Well this tore my Daddy all to pieces and again he begged me not to be mean to him. I said I'm not being mean he's just wiping baseboards. So I'm sure my Dad will NEVER tell me again if my kids are being unruly.
So we go into the house and I give Grant his wet rag and tell him to start wiping. Madison comes up and says "Can I do that too?". Now usually she loves it when he gets into trouble & she doesn't but not this time. I just wonder if maybe she was a little guilty of the smart mouth too. So I had both kids wiping walls & baseboards.
Then my Dad calls & I told him Grant was cleaning for the way he talked to him. I could tell my Dad didn't want Grant to be in trouble. He said, "Kelli, don't be mean to him." I said, "I'm not being mean, I'm just making him wipe baseboards." You would have thought I was torturing him from my Dad's voice. So then he ask, "Is he mad at me?" I said, "I don't know, do you want to talk to him?" Grant got on the phone and told him politely that yes he was mad because he got him into trouble and then Grant started crying (he is very soft hearted). Well this tore my Daddy all to pieces and again he begged me not to be mean to him. I said I'm not being mean he's just wiping baseboards. So I'm sure my Dad will NEVER tell me again if my kids are being unruly.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
When Cary Is Away (Again)
Kelli will play....NOT!! Actually I cleaned. Not the usual everyday cleaning but the hardly ever gets done cleaning. I love a clean house. And I love to clean my house. BUT for some reason I don't keep closets or drawers very clean. I'm sure this is some kind of syndrome. So last night I decided to clean places that very rarely get cleaned. I started in the living room. There is only a couple of places in the living room where things can be stored but in those 2 places I collected half a garbage bag full. This inspired me to the end table in the dining room, again a drawer full of needless things. So then I head off to Madison's closet. Since she was outside entertaining the neighbors in the pool I felt like this would be the perfect time to clear out "clutter". I collected another half bag full of "stuff".
Next stop was Grant's closet. I went through his toy box and collected a whole bag full of unused toys. Anyone need boy toy's?? He came in while I was pulling the toys out and asked what I was doing. I told him I was making his "keeping his closet clean job" a whole lot easier. He didn't fall for it. He knew what I was doing. But even after pulling out all these toys his toy box still runneth over and I dare to say most of these toys don't ever get touched.
Next stop was downstairs play room. My main objective down there was to clear out the coloring books that had been on the shelves forever and never get used. I figured I could donate them to church. Well to my surprise I came up with a whole garbage bag full of nothing but coloring books. I found a couple of other books and threw them in the bag. Other things that I "discovered" while cleaning: at least 10 boxes of crayons(new & old), 50+ pencils & ink pens, notebooks, folders, glue, markers, film for a 35mm (which I haven't had in forever), pictures that I had forgotten about that I was wanting to get framed, 2 old phones, sunglasses, the key thingy to my truck(still in the plastic bag), lots of playing cards all mixed together, and lots of other things not worth mentioning.
When Madison saw what I was doing in Grant's closet she knew what was next. I told her one night this week I would be doing the same with her toy box(she has no idea I already got half a bag of other things out). She said she had already went through all of her toys and there was nothing else to get rid of. I told her I beg to differ. Half of her toys are coming out also and hopefully donated to some needy child. Anyone need girl toys??
It's kind of embarrassing to see all that they have and have to give away good stuff because they never play with it. But to mine & Cary's defense we DON'T buy 98% of this stuff. It comes from grandparents, aunts & uncles, or especially a very generous great grandmother(Gran-Gran) or given to us for the exact same reason we are giving it away.
And to be fair I worked on my closet also. I still have more work to do in there. Thurs I will finish my closet, finish Madison's closet, clean under Madison's bed, work on kitchen drawers and if I'm still in the mood head down stairs to the toy closet. Hopefully when Cary comes home Friday there will be a clean house with no clutter hiding in drawers or closets. And all he will have to do, besides cleaning out his night stand drawer, is haul the many bags to the dump.
Next stop was Grant's closet. I went through his toy box and collected a whole bag full of unused toys. Anyone need boy toy's?? He came in while I was pulling the toys out and asked what I was doing. I told him I was making his "keeping his closet clean job" a whole lot easier. He didn't fall for it. He knew what I was doing. But even after pulling out all these toys his toy box still runneth over and I dare to say most of these toys don't ever get touched.
Next stop was downstairs play room. My main objective down there was to clear out the coloring books that had been on the shelves forever and never get used. I figured I could donate them to church. Well to my surprise I came up with a whole garbage bag full of nothing but coloring books. I found a couple of other books and threw them in the bag. Other things that I "discovered" while cleaning: at least 10 boxes of crayons(new & old), 50+ pencils & ink pens, notebooks, folders, glue, markers, film for a 35mm (which I haven't had in forever), pictures that I had forgotten about that I was wanting to get framed, 2 old phones, sunglasses, the key thingy to my truck(still in the plastic bag), lots of playing cards all mixed together, and lots of other things not worth mentioning.
When Madison saw what I was doing in Grant's closet she knew what was next. I told her one night this week I would be doing the same with her toy box(she has no idea I already got half a bag of other things out). She said she had already went through all of her toys and there was nothing else to get rid of. I told her I beg to differ. Half of her toys are coming out also and hopefully donated to some needy child. Anyone need girl toys??
It's kind of embarrassing to see all that they have and have to give away good stuff because they never play with it. But to mine & Cary's defense we DON'T buy 98% of this stuff. It comes from grandparents, aunts & uncles, or especially a very generous great grandmother(Gran-Gran) or given to us for the exact same reason we are giving it away.
And to be fair I worked on my closet also. I still have more work to do in there. Thurs I will finish my closet, finish Madison's closet, clean under Madison's bed, work on kitchen drawers and if I'm still in the mood head down stairs to the toy closet. Hopefully when Cary comes home Friday there will be a clean house with no clutter hiding in drawers or closets. And all he will have to do, besides cleaning out his night stand drawer, is haul the many bags to the dump.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Grant's bunny is gone..
First let me explain how we got the bunny. A couple of weeks ago my niece called & wanted to know if we wanted a bunny. A friend of a friend had one to give away. I immediately said "NO". She kept calling & begging me to take this bunny. It had it's own cage & everything. After thinking about how much joy it would bring Madison, and the fact that it was free, I agreed to take it. So the bunny was suppose to be delivered Sunday. Sunday came & went & no bunny. So then they were going to bring it Monday. Monday same thing. Finally the friend of a friend let my niece know that she couldn't part with the bunny. It could have been because I made it perfectly clear that no way no how the bunny wasn't coming inside the house. I didn't care if it was 10 below outside the bunny would just have to take care of itself.
So end of story, right?? No--Madison had her heart set on a bunny. So she spends every waking hour on the internet searching & reading about bunnies. Before I could even get to work she was calling me to tell me about a bunny she found. Only the bunnies she found were like $175. I told her I almost didn't take the free bunny, no way was I going to pay $175 for one. This lasted a couple of days, and by this time I was so sick of hearing about bunnies. I told her if she had to talk about bunnies to save it until she was with my Dad and tell him about them. She said he told her he was tired of hearing about it too!!
Well of course my Dad can't stand for her to want for anything(that is within reason), so he gets my Mom to find her a bunny. Someone my Mom works with has bunnies and they are $5 so my Dad gets 2 of them and brings them to my house a little over a week ago. Since Cary is out of town and can't build a cage all we have to keep the bunnies in is a large pet carrier inside a dog pen. At first we only let the rabbits out when Madison was with them. Then little by little we left them out longer. Well Sunday night Madison forgot to put them up. I told her it should be OK since they have been fine. Plus I hate to know they are in that pet carrier all day long.
So yesterday when Madison comes home, she comes running to the house and says that Grant's bunny is gone. Our first thought was it got out of the pen & the dogs(that have sat by the pen non-stop just waiting) got it. But we didn't see any fur or remains. My Mom thought a hawk got it. Last night as the kids were swimming & playing outside Madison went up to the pen and what did she see?? The rabbit. She tried to catch it but it just ran from her. It ran into some heavy grown up weeds and brush. Cary tried to find it but couldn't. We left the gate open to the pen hoping it would go back in there at night time. At 10:00 Cary & I went back out with the flashlight looking for it, but didn't find it. When I told my Mom this story she said just go into the brush & get it. I told her I wasn't getting snake bit for a $5 rabbit.
This morning still no rabbit. But when Cary was leaving for work he saw it. He said he took off running after it, I hope the neighbors didn't see him!!! But again it ran into the brush(that looks like snake heaven). So tonight I guess we'll have to keep watch for the hiding rabbit and hopefully my dogs haven't got a hold of it today.
So end of story, right?? No--Madison had her heart set on a bunny. So she spends every waking hour on the internet searching & reading about bunnies. Before I could even get to work she was calling me to tell me about a bunny she found. Only the bunnies she found were like $175. I told her I almost didn't take the free bunny, no way was I going to pay $175 for one. This lasted a couple of days, and by this time I was so sick of hearing about bunnies. I told her if she had to talk about bunnies to save it until she was with my Dad and tell him about them. She said he told her he was tired of hearing about it too!!
Well of course my Dad can't stand for her to want for anything(that is within reason), so he gets my Mom to find her a bunny. Someone my Mom works with has bunnies and they are $5 so my Dad gets 2 of them and brings them to my house a little over a week ago. Since Cary is out of town and can't build a cage all we have to keep the bunnies in is a large pet carrier inside a dog pen. At first we only let the rabbits out when Madison was with them. Then little by little we left them out longer. Well Sunday night Madison forgot to put them up. I told her it should be OK since they have been fine. Plus I hate to know they are in that pet carrier all day long.
So yesterday when Madison comes home, she comes running to the house and says that Grant's bunny is gone. Our first thought was it got out of the pen & the dogs(that have sat by the pen non-stop just waiting) got it. But we didn't see any fur or remains. My Mom thought a hawk got it. Last night as the kids were swimming & playing outside Madison went up to the pen and what did she see?? The rabbit. She tried to catch it but it just ran from her. It ran into some heavy grown up weeds and brush. Cary tried to find it but couldn't. We left the gate open to the pen hoping it would go back in there at night time. At 10:00 Cary & I went back out with the flashlight looking for it, but didn't find it. When I told my Mom this story she said just go into the brush & get it. I told her I wasn't getting snake bit for a $5 rabbit.
This morning still no rabbit. But when Cary was leaving for work he saw it. He said he took off running after it, I hope the neighbors didn't see him!!! But again it ran into the brush(that looks like snake heaven). So tonight I guess we'll have to keep watch for the hiding rabbit and hopefully my dogs haven't got a hold of it today.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Why does the weekend fly by??
Friday afternoon after work I headed to my parent's house to pick up the kids. We went home fed the animals(3 dogs & 2 rabbits) and headed to Mt. Juliet to go shopping. This weekend was tax free shopping on most things, so I was definitely going to take advantage of it. I was trying to keep that we were going shopping as quite as I could because my kids & especially Madison HATES to shop. I needed Madison to go with me because she desperately needed new shoes. When she found out where we were going she never did complain. I think she really wanted new shoes & was willing to endure shopping with me to get them. Plus we were meeting Daddy in Mt. Juliet. He was coming home from Texas where he has been for the past 10 days.
It came a downpour on us on the way there, which was terrible to drive in. But it did lessen the crowds. We had no trouble finding parking & getting in & out of stores. Cary even got some much needed things he needed. Once we got home my brother came & got the kids to let them spend the night with him. And then we literally both crashed.
We didn't wake up until 10:00 the next morning & probably wouldn't have gotten up then if my Mom hadn't called. We checked on the kids to see if they wanted to go with us to the Waffle House ( this has become our Sat tradition). No takers they didn't want to go. So Cary & I went. Once we got home our kids were already there and my S-I-L left my nephew with us so she could go shopping. I took a nap while Cary watched the kids. When I got up they were in the pool so I joined them. We stayed in the pool the rest of the afternoon.
Yesterday it was so hot we stayed in the pool all day. Cary's family came over to swim with us. Then after everyone left we took the kids to my parents and Cary & I headed out on the motorcycle. This was the first time I've rode this year. So I was saying lots of prayers. Motorcycles really scare me, I mean REALLY scare me. But I try to ride with Cary some because he enjoys it and I do trust Cary. I would probably NEVER ride with anyone else. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at a restaurant we rarely eat at and then picked up a couple of things at Target I had forgotten to get Fri night. This would be a great way to shop for someone on a budget because there is only so much you can fit into those saddle bags. Then we headed home and since we were going 80mph(hence the praying) we made it home in no time. We sat out on the porch and watched the clouds. It is amazing to see objects in clouds. We spotted a sea horse(although I thought it looked like a unicorn with wings), goofy, rooster, top hat and a dog. And then little by little poof they would disappear. We sat and watched the clouds slowly go away.
We bathed the kids and tucked them in and tried to watch Anchorman. I got through the first the 30 minutes and couldn't hold my eyes open. Cary said he would turn it off & we would watch it again tonight. He seemed a little upset that we were going to sleep at 9:30. But I needed it. After 10 days of being the sole parent I was worn out.
It came a downpour on us on the way there, which was terrible to drive in. But it did lessen the crowds. We had no trouble finding parking & getting in & out of stores. Cary even got some much needed things he needed. Once we got home my brother came & got the kids to let them spend the night with him. And then we literally both crashed.
We didn't wake up until 10:00 the next morning & probably wouldn't have gotten up then if my Mom hadn't called. We checked on the kids to see if they wanted to go with us to the Waffle House ( this has become our Sat tradition). No takers they didn't want to go. So Cary & I went. Once we got home our kids were already there and my S-I-L left my nephew with us so she could go shopping. I took a nap while Cary watched the kids. When I got up they were in the pool so I joined them. We stayed in the pool the rest of the afternoon.
Yesterday it was so hot we stayed in the pool all day. Cary's family came over to swim with us. Then after everyone left we took the kids to my parents and Cary & I headed out on the motorcycle. This was the first time I've rode this year. So I was saying lots of prayers. Motorcycles really scare me, I mean REALLY scare me. But I try to ride with Cary some because he enjoys it and I do trust Cary. I would probably NEVER ride with anyone else. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at a restaurant we rarely eat at and then picked up a couple of things at Target I had forgotten to get Fri night. This would be a great way to shop for someone on a budget because there is only so much you can fit into those saddle bags. Then we headed home and since we were going 80mph(hence the praying) we made it home in no time. We sat out on the porch and watched the clouds. It is amazing to see objects in clouds. We spotted a sea horse(although I thought it looked like a unicorn with wings), goofy, rooster, top hat and a dog. And then little by little poof they would disappear. We sat and watched the clouds slowly go away.
We bathed the kids and tucked them in and tried to watch Anchorman. I got through the first the 30 minutes and couldn't hold my eyes open. Cary said he would turn it off & we would watch it again tonight. He seemed a little upset that we were going to sleep at 9:30. But I needed it. After 10 days of being the sole parent I was worn out.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I'm addicted to blogs.
There I said it. Isn't that the first step to recovery?? I spend hours, I'm ashamed to admit how many, reading blogs. And if that's not bad enough, most of the bloggers I don't even know. I will probably never know them but I am entertained by reading about their life. So the other day I am reading some unknown blog and there is a "Tour of homes" blog. This lady started on her blog a tour of homes and invited everyone to participate. There is like 249 homes on there. So all week long I have been "looking" into strangers homes. And you know what I love it. I love looking at houses anyhow and this is perfect. Since I'm on dial up I can only view about 20 houses a day. And that takes almost my entire working day!! My husband thinks I'm crazy.
These last couple of days I am beginning to feel the effect of Cary being out of town. Ten days is a LONG time. I miss him, the kids miss him and I know he misses us. I have spent lots of late nights talking to him because I think he is a combination of bored/homesick. His plane can't land fast enough for me tomorrow. And of course there is stuff we need to do. I plan on taking advantage of the no sales tax and going shopping. So I will be meeting him in Nashville and dragging him along. Cary is the best shopping buddy I have ever had. He just follows me around in and out of stores around and around stores and never complains.
The kids started school this week and so far 4th grade seems to be a lot better than 3rd. I know your thinking it's only the first week but so far there has been NO homework and that wasn't the case last year. We had homework every night and even weekends. When I got Madison's TCAP results back she had tested advanced. And no wonder between school all day and homework that took anywhere from 1-3 hours every night she should have been advanced. Grant's 1st day will be tomorrow. I would have posted a picture of their registration day but I can't download pictures on the computer so I'm waiting for Cary to come home to do that.
Today is election day and my brother is running for the School Board. I told him if he wanted my vote he was going to have to give me a free ride to the polls. So he will be picking me up at 4:00. Other than him I have no idea who to vote for. I'm not really into politics because I never know who is trustworthy. I don't even know for sure if I'm Republican or Democrat. I claim to be a Republican but my Dad insist that I'm not that I'm a Democrat. He says Republican's are just rich people and I said yeah that's what I want to be so I'm Republican.
45 minutes until time to go home....I can probably get a couple more houses looked at.
These last couple of days I am beginning to feel the effect of Cary being out of town. Ten days is a LONG time. I miss him, the kids miss him and I know he misses us. I have spent lots of late nights talking to him because I think he is a combination of bored/homesick. His plane can't land fast enough for me tomorrow. And of course there is stuff we need to do. I plan on taking advantage of the no sales tax and going shopping. So I will be meeting him in Nashville and dragging him along. Cary is the best shopping buddy I have ever had. He just follows me around in and out of stores around and around stores and never complains.
The kids started school this week and so far 4th grade seems to be a lot better than 3rd. I know your thinking it's only the first week but so far there has been NO homework and that wasn't the case last year. We had homework every night and even weekends. When I got Madison's TCAP results back she had tested advanced. And no wonder between school all day and homework that took anywhere from 1-3 hours every night she should have been advanced. Grant's 1st day will be tomorrow. I would have posted a picture of their registration day but I can't download pictures on the computer so I'm waiting for Cary to come home to do that.
Today is election day and my brother is running for the School Board. I told him if he wanted my vote he was going to have to give me a free ride to the polls. So he will be picking me up at 4:00. Other than him I have no idea who to vote for. I'm not really into politics because I never know who is trustworthy. I don't even know for sure if I'm Republican or Democrat. I claim to be a Republican but my Dad insist that I'm not that I'm a Democrat. He says Republican's are just rich people and I said yeah that's what I want to be so I'm Republican.
45 minutes until time to go home....I can probably get a couple more houses looked at.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I'm loosing my mind!!
Let me explain. Yesterday I had a "little" swimming party with some friends from church. It was a last minute kind of thing. But there was 19 people at my house, 15 kids & 4 adults. I had taken the day off work to register the kids for school. And since I haven't taken off all summer to just be at home & invite friends over to swim, I decided yesterday would be perfect. It did rain on our party so we all ended up inside for about 45 mins. But other than that we had a great time ( or at least I did).
Now here comes the part about me loosing my mind. When every body was leaving and gathering their stuff I noticed 4 "very nice" looking towels laying in the middle of the floor. I tried my best to find who they belonged to because I KNEW they weren't mine. My towels are not that nice. They looked familiar even though I KNEW they weren't mine. They would even match my decor I thought. Nobody claimed them so we just assumed they were Amy's since she had already left. So Andrea graciously said she would take them to her.
So....Last night when I'm trying to go to sleep at 11:00P.M. What pops into my head??? Those are my towels. I went downstairs where I knew there were some towels on a bakers rack thingy and sure enough my towels were gone. Well now I couldn't go to sleep. I thought Andrea is going to think I'm crazy because I assured her they were not my towels.
Well long story short Andrea & I had a great laugh about it this morning. She said she called Amy on the way home to let her know she had her towels & Amy said they weren't hers. So they thought they were the neighbors. I should have let them think that and never told them any different. If I ever get robbed it would take me days to figure out what was missing and chances are I might not even miss it!!!!!
Now here comes the part about me loosing my mind. When every body was leaving and gathering their stuff I noticed 4 "very nice" looking towels laying in the middle of the floor. I tried my best to find who they belonged to because I KNEW they weren't mine. My towels are not that nice. They looked familiar even though I KNEW they weren't mine. They would even match my decor I thought. Nobody claimed them so we just assumed they were Amy's since she had already left. So Andrea graciously said she would take them to her.
So....Last night when I'm trying to go to sleep at 11:00P.M. What pops into my head??? Those are my towels. I went downstairs where I knew there were some towels on a bakers rack thingy and sure enough my towels were gone. Well now I couldn't go to sleep. I thought Andrea is going to think I'm crazy because I assured her they were not my towels.
Well long story short Andrea & I had a great laugh about it this morning. She said she called Amy on the way home to let her know she had her towels & Amy said they weren't hers. So they thought they were the neighbors. I should have let them think that and never told them any different. If I ever get robbed it would take me days to figure out what was missing and chances are I might not even miss it!!!!!
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