Friday, May 26, 2006


As a child I was always "made" to take a nap on Sundays. I don't really remember putting up much of a fight though. So naturally as I have gotten older I LOVE my naps. Sometimes I have even napped for 3+ hours at a time. I work full-time so I usually don't get a nap during the day, but I have been guilty of going home after work and crashing on the couch and napping. It helps me, it reenergizes me, it refreshes me. My husband is the greatest and he loves for me to get my naps. He will often take the kids to the farm or somewhere just so I can nap in peace. Everybody wins. The kids are happy, he's happy and I'm happy. Until.........I was looking over Madison's 3rd grade papers of things she has wrote over the past year. One particular one caught my attention. At the top it is titled "My Family" and then she has drawn pictures of us. The 1st picture is of ME in bed asleep. The 2nd one is of her, Grant & dad playing ball in the yard. So is this how she sees our life? I am always asleep and she is having fun with her brother & dad. I guess I am going to have to forgo my naps and spend more fun time with them. I don't want to be remembered as always napping. I can always go back to napping once their grown!!!!


Amy S. Grant said...

That is funny!

Cary said...

it's beauty sleep!
and worth it to have you in a good mood!