Monday, July 30, 2007

It was another WW (aka: Whirlwind Weekend)

Friday night started out with a sleepover with Maggie Jo. I had promised Maggie Jo all summer she could sleep over and since schools starts next week I fulfilled my promise this weekend. Maggie Jo is like no other child. She is full of energy and could care less who she is with. Here she is eating her made to order breakfast from Cary. She was somewhat amazed that Cary cooked breakfast because at her house her dad never cooks!!! Maggie Jo likes to be entertained so I was somewhat concerned that Madison wouldn't be up to entertaining Maggie Jo the entire time but I knew Grant would love it. Well, Grant ended up sick with a migraine, so when Madison was played out Cary or I had to
take over. Thank goodness for the go-cart.
Maggie Jo loved it and stayed on it most of the day.

Saturday my niece Katie had her 5th b-day party at my house. As you can see in the picture she wasn't exactly happy about having a swimming party. She wanted a skating party.

Here are some group shots of the party kids. As you can see the kids didn't cooperate with me. I've decided not to quit my day job to become a children's photographer!!

Here is my sweet nephew, Riley. I could just eat his chubby cheeks up. I am always in his face trying to take his picture.

You would think we didn't have a diving board. Anytime Cary is in the water he is the human diving board. The kids love jumping off his shoulders or being threw into the air by him. It will be interesting to see how well is back is doing in another 10 years!!!

And then Sunday we hosted Life Group at our house. There was 10 kids all together and I was the lucky one left to watch. Needless to say I didn't stay dry. Some of the kids loved splashing, throwing wet balls or goggles full of water at me. It was OK because it was really kinda hot out there.
Who needs pool toys when you have an empty Baquasil bucket?? My kids play with these buckets every time they get into the pool!!
The ONLY way I could get the kids to calm down and quit trying to drown me was to bring out the ice cream. This bought me enough time until the rest of the adults could join me. By the way can you tell I got a camera for my birthday??

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

BFF (Best Friends Forever)

This weekend I had the very rare opportunity to spend it with my best friend Barbara. Barbara and I met my sophomore year of high school. Family, life and jobs has kept us from being as close as we would like to be. Barbara has just recently moved closer, as in 1 hour drive to me. So I am hoping that we will have more get-to-gethers!!

So we decided to take our daughters along with Barbara's sister, Connie and her daughter Lakin, to Gatlinburg. Our daughters are 10, 12 & 13. The girls got along great. We arrived late Friday night and went down to the strip and had a funnel cake at 12:30AM!! Nothing else was opened so we headed back to the condo. We sat out on the balcony until 2:30 talking!! The next morning we went to Dollywood. The very first ride we rode was Mystery Mine. Madison was in tears at the end of the ride. I never dreamed she would be scared. As we exited the ride there was a booth that sold pictures that were taken while we were riding. Normally I would never pay 19.95 for a picture of a ride, but this picture of the six of us with fear on our face was priceless. We had more laughs over that picture. Any time on the trip that we were needing a pick me up we just pulled out the picture and literally laugh for at least 15 minutes. By the end of the trip we just had to touch the folder that the picture was in and we would start laughing. We've decided that we are going to do an annual girls trip(SHHH don't tell the hubbys!!). Although at some points during the trip it was debatable if the kids would get to join us the next time.

Sunday we went to Wonderworks which is described as an amusement park for the mind. Madison & I rocked climbed and laid on a bed of nails(yes it hurt!). There was also a 360 degree bike that would go forward, up and over. I begged Barbara to ride. She didn't want to ride for fear of getting sick. I didn't think she would get that sick. Well she got THAT sick. She couldn't function for the rest of the day and we ended up having to leave early. She crawled into the van and slept the entire way home.

We arrived home around 6 Sunday night. Cary & Grant were at Life Group so Madison & I unpacked and washed clothes. I was up until midnight telling Cary about our trip. Needless to say Monday night I had to go to bed at 8, because I could not hold my eyes open.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18, 1972

Today the President announced this year's national price average's, saying that he felt good about some of the changes in our economy. He pointed out that although bread has gone up to .26¢ per loaf, and a half gallon of milk is up to .53¢, average incomes are also on the rise, up to $3,769 this year!

Ice Cream....$0.87

You might also find it interesting that as of today July 18, 2007, I have been around for 12,783 days. That's about 306,792 hours, and I have slept about 4,261 days of that away!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

This has been a week of camp and NO KIDS!!

Friday night as we returned from Lipscomb, Madison and I had a "girls night out" while Cary took Grant to the golden arches for some boy time. Grant decided he wanted to go to Granny and Pa's so Cary took him there. And there he has stayed. He has refused to come home until tonight. Sunday we took Madison to church camp and wasn't for sure if she would stay. Much to our surprise she stayed the entire week without one phone call to us!!! Cary and I decided to go to camp last night to surprise her. And of course she decided to come home with us. Cary and I have had the week kid free. It's been kinda nice doing whatever we want to do and not having to worry about the kids but we also started missing the kids pretty bad. So tonight life as we know it should be back to normal. Both kids will be home. Madison will probably be ill from lack of sleep she has gotten this week and Grant will probably be ill from being back in the real world and having to do as we say not how Granny & Pa does it.


I took some pictures last night at camp. Amy has my highest adoration for spending the last 5 nights with these girls. Within five minutes of being in their room I was ready to RUN!! There was clothes everywhere and girls jumping and flipping everywhere and of course 5 girls trying to talk to me at the same time. I think they all enjoyed themselves and have had lots of fun.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Yesterday Cary & I took Madison to Camp. I expected a call last night since this is the first time she has stayed away from us and not with family for so long. So far no she must be having fun!!!

Last week we stayed in the dorms at Lipscomb University. We enjoyed a couple of days of lectureship and the kids enjoyed day camp. Actually they enjoyed it so much they cried when we had to come home Fri night. I was more than ready to be back in my bed. I didn't get much sleep in the dorms. Saturday I slept in while Cary cleaned the house and washed clothes. Thank you honey!!!

Grant has been at my Mom & Dad's since we got home Fri night. I tried to get him to come home tonight but he insisted he was staying until Fri night. Since he is not old enough for camp he thinks he should get to stay with Pa until Madison comes home. Since Cary is out of town tonight I didn't really push him to come home. (I selfishly wanted to have the house to myself!!!)

Monday, July 02, 2007


Summer is flying by. Of course our hustle and bustle of life keeps it flying. Here is a little peek at my schedule.

Friday night 6/22-- Back to the houseboat only this time it was me and my two friends, my husband, friend's fiance, her kid, my two kids and my friends kid and friend. Lots of fun and food!!

Saturday 6/23--On houseboat all day. Cary, Nicky, and Bud take the kiddos tubing. The kids had a blast. Now Cary wants a boat. We rush home around 5 that afternoon and shower and change and attend friend's wedding shower. After picking up kids we are back home at 10:30.

Sunday 6/24--Can't recall what we did other than church and Life Group and of course lay by the pool.

Monday6/25--I attended my 1st PM Convention in Nashville.

Tuesday 6/26--PM Convention again. Shopping in Mt. Juliet. Bonita's Lingerie shower. Left home at 6:00 AM returned home at 10:00 PM. Cary left for Grand Rapids.

Weds 6/27-- PM Convention from 8-4. Rush home change clothes grab kids and back to Lebanon for church. Madison stays at friends house and drop Grant off at Pa's. Return back home to empty house around 9 PM.

Thurs 6/28 --Last day of Convention. Drove 1 hour to Nashville for 15 minute meeting. I'm not complaining because I got the rest of the day off paid!!! Since we finished the meeting within 15 mins. I went with another PM to Loveless Cafe. I have always wanted to eat there so this was the perfect opportunity plus he offered to buy!! Great food!!! Rush home to pick up Grant at Pa's and then home to change into swimsuits and off again to Lebanon where I met up with Amy & girls(including Madison), and Andrea & boys. We had a great afternoon of chit chat at Jimmy Floyd. Since we have a pool this was Grant's 1st time in a public pool. Rush home and nap a little, eat a little, and clean a little. Cary returned home from Grand Rapids.

Fri 6/29--Back to work with lots of catching up to do, since I've been playing for the last 4 days. Busy, busy day. Cary had to go to Oak Ridge so he picked up dinner on his way home. Lazy night just hanging around the house doing lots of nothing.

Sat 6/30--Lounge by the pool all day long with Cary and the kids. Cary took Grant to buy fireworks. Mom & Dad came over Sat night and we swam and shot fireworks.

Sun 7/1--We did our usual breakfast before church and then after church two of Madison's friends came home with her. They enjoyed the afternoon swimming and playing. Back to church at 4 for a seminar and then a quick trip to Wal-Mart. We dropped the kids off at Pa's for relaxing kid free night!!!

Mon 7/2--Back to work and finally getting caught up--just in time to take off Weds, Thurs, & Fri!!