Since I've blogged so I will try to remember all that has
happened in the last month. During Fall break we went to
the magical place for 7 days. This was the first time the kids or I have have ever been. Cary had been one time when he was around 3. I studied up on all the ins and outs of Disney and truly feel like we definitely got to do everything we set out to do.
Our neighbors and friends(Chris, Shelia, Logan and Lucas) were also planning a trip the same time we were. They called and we met up with them on Tuesday and was able to spend the day with them. The last/only time Cary had been to DW was with Chris. Which I didn't know until Tuesday. Logan is in Grant's class and they are really good friends.
We ate and ate and ate. We were on the dining plan so we didn't go hungry or broke. This was a snack. It's a mickey mouse shaped rice crispy treat dipped in milk chocolate rolled in crushed Reece's peanut butter cups and then drizzled in white chocolate. It was huge. I took one bite and made Cary go back in and have another one made!!! YUM YUM!! I didn't eat it all at once-it took me 3 days to eat. We also tried many TS(table service) restaurants. One was Whispering Canyon. We had the all-you-can eat skillet. In the picture it looks like it was Madison's plate but we were all dipping from it. We liked this restaurant so much we went back for breakfast
with breakfast foods. One night we had dinner at
the Sci-Fi drive in. It was just like a drive in. You were seated in cars that had tables. We also enjoyed Chef Mickey's which was a buffet. Grant ended up getting sick this night so it was an adventure trying to get back to the hotel via buses with a sick child. I made Cary hold him on the bus with a Disney bag to throw up in while Madison and I stood at the front and pretended not to know them!!!
We took lots of time trying on hats that we never bought!!

We rode lots of rides. Some that scared the kids to death. I
love this picture of Madison and Grant covering up in the
front row. Madison totally got scared on the Tower of Terror which is an elevator ride that drops you unexpectedly. She rode it once or twice but after that she wasn't having any part of it. So she stayed in the gift shop while we rode. All in all it was a great trip. We did lots of walking and very little sleeping. But we still got along great. Grant would have never made it without the stroller. It only rained on us once or twice for a very short period. The dining plan was the best way to go. In total we had 24 table service meals, 24 snacks, and 24 counter service meals. We used each and every credit although on the last day we were so full we really didn't want to use the last counter service meals but we did ;) The kids are definitely ready to go back. I don't know if we will make it back next year or not but we will definitely go back.