At least for now, that is how I feel. The past couple of months at work has totally threw my schedule off. I need structure and daily routines to keep my self in sync. From June-Aug I was filling in at another office. It was more work but I did enjoy the change of pace from my office. The thing that threw me off was the hours. I was going in an hour later and getting off an hour and 45
mins later than my office. This was all summer long, so I became a little bummed over not getting home until after 5 each day. Needless to say by Aug I was more than ready to go back to my office and my daily routine.
But that didn't happen. Sometime in July I was asked to go to another office for another assignment. I was willing to go but really wasn't looking forward to another change in schedule. That's when I found out the office that I ultimately want to go to was going to be available. The Lady that worked there, Freddy
Poindexter, had just found out she had lung cancer and since she was going to retire in Dec anyways she decided to go on sick leave until Dec. She has known for several years that I ultimately wanted her office. She asked for me to be placed in her office. I absolutely love this office. It's really not much different from my office, other than it's 3 miles from my house!!!! I have never worked so close to home before. I can even eat lunch with Madison since her school is only 5 miles from my work.
It has took several weeks and finally finishing a huge project(I began in July). But I am finally feeling like everything is back to normal. I'm back on my routine but only better. I can go home at lunch and wash clothes, vacuum, run the dishwasher, or just take a quick nap:) Even though I am in the office I ultimately want, I haven't officially gotten it yet. It could be the first of next year before I know for sure. I have experienced some moments of fear that I wouldn't get this office. I have slowly decided, although sometimes I have to remind myself, to trust God. If it happens--WOW WOW WOW--and if it doesn't I still have my office which is great too, just not as close to home. Either way I am truly blessed.
I would just like to ask that everyone reading this blog to pray for Freddie. She could have retired in Feb but decided to hang on for the rest of the year. And then in July was diagnosed with Stage 5 Lung Cancer. She is 1/2 way through her chemo and will find out next week if it has done any good. She is a really good person and doesn't deserve this, but then again who does?
This weekend we are taking the kids camping for the first time!! We have been meaning to go all summer and one thing just led to another. I came across a tent at Target for $48 that was regular $198, that helped get the camping trip started. Since I bought the tent, we have to use it!! I've never camped in a tent before, so this is a new experience for all of us. I just hope we have lots of family time that we don't usually get when we're at home.